Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Final Weight Estimation

With the CAD model completely finished, we were able to do a final estimated weigh in. All of the electronics have been wired and soldered, and could do with significant wire length shortening to cut even further weight. All weight is accounted for except for the spacers that will be used between each weapon tooth. Additionally, we counted out all of the hardware that will be needed to assemble the chassis and also added that to the weight. Currently, based on the current estimate the bot is 1.3 grams over weight, but we believe we can more than cut that with the re-wiring that will take place after fabrication. If absolutely needed we can go down to 4 weapon teeth instead of 5 which would cut 30 grams. Currently the weapon assembly makes up 20% of the weight, and will be able to spin up to ~8-10k rpm. We plan on probably not running weapon at full speed just because it's usually more effective to have a bigger bite.

This is the final bill of parts and their expected weights. Parts that do not have a volume and only a weight we weighed on a gram scale to get an accurate weight of the part with all of the wiring that is currently attached to them. We think we can significantly cut weight though as currently there is an excess of wires inside of the chassis.

Honeycomb 3.0

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